+91 80003 02020
Call Us On +91 80003 02020
Diabetic and Ulcer Dressings
Health & Wellness
3D Ankle Binder (1814)
3d Ankle Brace (1812)
3D Heinged Knee Brace (1823)—left & right
3D Knee Brace with Medio Leteral Stays(1826)
3D Knee Brace(1820)
Abulance Cervical Immobilizer (1150)
Adult Foot And Ankle
Adult Hand
Adult Long Arm
Adult Short Arm
Adult Short Leg
Adult Wide Short Arm
Airway Collar (1020)
Ankle Brace With Lace (1196)
Ankle foot Orthosis -left & Right (1280)
Ankle Immobiliser (1201)
Ankle Support with Strap (2530)
Ankle Traction(1540)
Arch Support Sleeve (1797)
Arm sling (1601)
Arm Sling Pouch (1610)
Arthroscopy Drape
Axillary Crutch Premium
Bunion Brace (1296)
CAM Walker Avilable :- 11″& 16″ (1275)
Cast Protector Poster
Cervical Traction (1502)
Chest Brace With Sternal Pad (1437)
Chest Brace With Sternal Pad(1435)
Cock Up Wrist Brace(1660)
Comfort Ankle Binder(1204)
Comfort Ankle Support (1203)
Comfort Elbow Binder(1630)
Comfort knee Support Pair (1253)
DS LS Belt (1371)
Dyna 3D Elbow Brace(1881)
Dyna 3D LS Belt(1851)
Dyna 3d LS Belt(1853)
Dyna 3D Spinal Brace(1870)
Dyna Aluminium Wheel Chair
Dyna Ankle Traction
Dynamic Cock Up Wrist Brace(1662)
EASY CAST Pneumatic Walkar 11″,17″(1273)
Elastic Shoulder Immobilizer(1623)
Elbow Crutch-Premium
Elbow O Drape
Elbow Support With strap (2910)
Elnova LS Belt (1321)
Finger Cot(1682)
Finger Extension Splint(1680)
Forearm Brace(1658)
Frog Splint(1383)
G-Bone Modified Hydroxyapatite
G-Bone Synthetic Hydroxyapatite
G-Graft Hydroxyapatite with Collagen
G-Plast Soft Tape
Gel Exercise Ball(1696)
Gowns, Viral Barrier Gowns & Viral Barrier Kits
Hand Resting Brace (1659)
Hard Cervical Collar(1050)
Head & Eye Shield
Hernia Belt(1336)
Hinged Knee Brace (With Patella Support)-1270
Hinged Knee Brace Open Patela -1255
Hip U Drape
Home Cervical Traction(1503)
Hot And Cold Pack (1344)
Hyper Extension Brace(1440)
Innolife Clavicle Brace(1405)
INNOLIFE Hinged Knee Brace OPEN PATELA(1260)
Innolife Hyper Extention Brace(1445)
Innolife Knee Immobiliser Short(14″)-1247
Innolife knee Immobiliser(19″)-1242
Innolife knee Immobiliser(22″)-1245
Innolife Tennis Elbow Brace (1673)
Innolife Thumb Spica Brace(1657)
Innolife Wrist Brace(1645)
IO Drape with Iodine Adhesive
Kinesiology Tape -Pink, Blue & beige (6292)
Knee Brace (Medio Lateral Stabiliser)-1271
Knee Brace Ordinary (1210)
Knee Brace Special (1211)
Knee Cap Regular(1229)
Knee Cap(2571)
Knee Immobiliser Deluxe(1250)
Knee O Drape
Knee Support (2606)
Knee Support (OP) regular(1239)
Knee Support With Strap (2605)
Knee Wrap Premium(1262)
Lamino Spinal Drape
Leg Traction(1520)
Limb Restrainer(1617)
Limited Motion Knee Brace (ROM brace)-1231
Limited Motion Knee Brace Premium (1232)
Mallet Finger Splint (1684)
Mallet Finger Splint(1684)
Night Derotation Brace (1288)
OA knee Brace(1238)
Orthopedic Heating Belt (1342)
Patellar Support (1265)
Pelvic Binder(1355)
Pelvic Traction(1550)
Physical Resistance Band (6270)
Plain Drape Sheets & Towels
Pneumatic walker
Posture corrector Premium(1456)
Posture Corrector(1455)
QOssHeal IHA
Reciprocating Walking Frame-Premium
Rehaid Axillary Crutches
Rehaid Crutch Stick
Rehaid Crutch Stick Quadripoid
Rehaid Crutch Stick Tripoid
Rehaid Elbow Crutches With Strap
Rehaid Hinged Elbow Crutches
Rehaid Walking Frame
Rehaid Walking Frame with Wheels
Rib Brace Plain (2800/2830)
Rom Elbov Brace (1677)
Sego 4 Elastic Abdominal Corset 4 Panel(2734)
SEGO Ankle Binder (2509)
SEGO Ankle Brace (2501)
SEGO Ankle Support (2508)
Sego Elbow Support(2900)
Sego Wrist Wrap With Thumb Loop (2918)
Shoulder Abduction Brace(1618)
Shoulder Immobiliser Ordinary(1625)
Shoulder Immobilizer (1624)
Shoulder support(1694)
Shoulder U Drape
Silco(Silver Soft Cervical Collar)1002
SILICARE – Siilcone Insole Removable(1720)
SILICARE- siocone Heel Cushion (1710)
Simpsert Video Camera Cable Cover
Sling With Tie Quadri(1635)
Soft cervical Collar Slim(1001)
Soft Cervical Collar(1001)
Spinal Brace(1419)
Stack Finger Splint(1685)
Surgical Abdominal Corset(1325)
Surgical Lumbo Sacral Corset(1301)
T-Shaped Crutch Stick-Premium
Tennis Elbow Brace (1670)
Tennis Elbow Brace Xtra(1671)
Thoraco Lumber Appliance Nova(1411)
Thumb spice Brace(1655)
Top Phil(Cervical Immobilizer 1090)
TUBIFIX Elasticated Tubular Bandage BP(4030,4032)
Two In One Crutch Stick Premium
Tylor’s Brace Long / Short(1414)
Universal Ankle Wrap Support (2523)
Universal Lumbo Sacral Corset(1368)
Universal Wrist Brace(1649)
Weight Cuff (1695)
White & Zero-F Mops
Wrap Around Hinged Knee Brace (1266)
Wrap Around knee Support(1264)
Wrist & forearm Brace (1648)
Wrist Brace (1640)
Wrist Brace Reversible(1643)
Wrist Brace With Thumb Support (1653)
Wrist support ADJ (2915)
Wrist Support With Thumb Loop (2916)